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Let's Rank The MCU!

Foster Sherman • Apr 16, 2019

The Greatest Journey in Film History
UPDATE: Now contains entire Infinity Saga

all marvel movie main characters pictured in a collage

“The city is flying, We’re fighting an army of robots and I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense.”
- Hawkeye, Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

This is just one of the many fantastic lines that the Marvel Cinematic Universe has delivered.

Launching in 2008 with the mega popular Iron Man, starring Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark; the MCU has been a staple in summer blockbusters. Since 2008 there have been a total of twenty-three films jam packed with some of Marvel Comics most iconic superheroes.

The MCU has done something that very few sequels and trilogies can even do properly, which is to tell an overarching, interweaving story, that will eventually pit all of these characters into one massive battle for mankind against the Mad Titan Thanos; who was first teased all the way back in 2011’s Thor. 

2018 gave us the mega hit, Avengers: Infinity War, where half of our beloved characters were wiped from the universe by Thanos, and the finale and resolution to that battle was realized on year later in Avengers: Endgame.

But with all of these wonderful movies, which are all great in their own right. Which one is the most popular, and which one did fellow MCU Nerd Pastor fans think was the lease strong out of the huge family? Using our connections, our friends, our families, and arguments with loved ones; we have conducted a survey ranking all twenty-three films from worst, to the absolute best.

Let's check it out!

23. Thor: The Dark World

“One son who wanted the throne too much, and other who will not take it. Is this my legacy?”

thor: the dark world post clip, thor staring into the distance

…Moving on.

No; in all seriousness. Thor: The Dark World was not the best movie in the MCU. It just felt…meh. While I will give it praise for the character developments not only in Thor, but Loki as well. It is just not the same film that we have seen throughout the MCU history.

But what it does do; it does show that not all super villains are handsome. Yeesh, those Dark Elves are not pretty.

22. The Incredible Hulk

“What if I told you we're putting a team together?”

the incredible hulk smashing 2 cars together

There is a lot of debate with this movie; is it supposed to be a sequel of the failed 2003 Hulk film? Or is it a reboot of the Hulk series?

The lack of an actual origin in the film (unlike many of the other MCU titles) makes this feel like a sequel to a failed film (come on; Eric Bane wasn’t that bad in Hulk 1 right?) but a lot of sources say that this is supposed to just be a reboot of the Hulk franchise. The real question is... was Edward Norton a decent Bruce Banner?

The best part about this film, is the post credit scene, which is the moment we realize that Marvel is serious about making this massive cinematic world, when Tony Stark finds Thunderbolt Ross nursing his failures in a smoky bar.

21. Avengers: Age of Ultron

“You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed... walk it off.”

the hulk, captain america, thor, and iron man looking into the distance in disbelief

It’s hard for me to make a comment on the looks of a super villain in this film; because he is a robot. Ultron is supposed to be one of the biggest and baddest of bad guys…err…robots, that Iron Man has ever faced.

In Age of Ultron, he is born of the combined efforts of Bruce Banner and Tony Stark hoping to create the ultimate peacekeeper, but this falls apart when Ultron becomes self aware and decides that the only way to bring peace is to start all over.

Personally, I think this film has the odds stacked against it because it was the second Avenger’s film, and the first one is just so universally loved; and there are stronger stand alone films in the MCU; that this ranks low.

20. Captain Marvel

“I’ve been fighting with one arm tied behind my back, but what happens when I’m finally set free?”

Man oh man. This MCU film started off strong, but petered out quick. We all loved it, but as time went on we saw the flaws in the character development and the story...

  1. Carol Danvers had the potential to be the coolest, baddest chick in the entire MCU, but they did not communicate her powers clearly, especially moving into Endgame (spoiling the good Captain Marvel did originally).
  2. There is a cat, and his name is Goose, and he is the best thing in the film.
  3. At least we got a young, Nick Fury who hasn’t even seen an alien until this film.

19. Thor

“Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor!”

thor staring at his hammer in the rain

Okay, I have to start with a question. Why does it look like Zack Van Gerbig (Todd Lowe) from Gilmore Girls grew a beard and was casted to play Thor? Because that is who Chris Hemsworth actually looks like in this film.

Overall, this is a really great ‘origin’ story for Marvel’s Norse God. It shows his struggle as an individual, realizing that while he is powerful, he isn’t as ready to be King as he thought he was. Plus, who doesn’t love a film that gives us more of everyones favorite S.H.I.E.L.D agent, Phil Coulson?

18. Iron Man 2

“Sir! I'm going to have to ask you to exit the donut!”

tony stark laying on a race track with Ivan Vanko, whiplash, approaching from behind him

The casting choice had to come from the success of Mickey Rourke’s ‘The Wrestler’ (which is a great movie); and Marvel/Disney wanted to continue reviving Mickey’s career. Iron Man 2 while, not a bad film on its own; it does fall farther down the list.

We have Tony suffering from his body being poisoned because of his mini reactor in his chest. The film gives us, Don Cheadle as James Rhodes (who is way more entertaining than Terrance Howard), Sam Rockwell (bring him back please), Natasha Romanoff for the first time.

It also lets us see what Nick Fury is looking for in the Avenger’s Initiative. Which in case you were wondering, was not Tony Stark.

17. Iron Man 3

"I'm Tony Stark. I build neat stuff, got a great girl and occasionally save the world. So why can't I sleep?"

a cracked iron man helmet from the movie, iron man 3

Okay; so I’ll be honest. I didn’t hate Iron Man 3, it was higher up on my own list; but the community has spoken.

Picking up after the first Avengers, Tony Stark is dealing with PTSD after literally guiding a nuclear warhead through a portal to space, destroying the Alien command ship that is attacking Earth.

The best parts of this film, is the first half. Watching Tony Stark investigate what is causing people to just spontaneously combust, and hanging around with a ten year old kid, is just good fun.

The massive hate that people give this movie, is its take on the supposed to be sinister Mandarin, who ends up being a sniveling failed actor, and the main villain is played by Guy Pearson. I mean, come on; are all super villains handsome?

16. Ant-Man & The Wasp

“Hold on, you gave her wings!?”

ant man and the wasp staring off into the distance

 Ant-Man & The Wasp is one of the weirdest films in the MCU.

The film plays with size manipulations; (see a Hello Kitty Pez dispenser expanding to the size of an SUV); and a lot of Quantum Physics. Where a lot of people felt Evangeline Lily was not used to her full potential in the first Ant-Man; she explodes out of the screen here and makes Hope Van Dyne one of the MCU’s coolest female characters.

Plus; if you’re curious as to why Scott Lang wasn’t in Infinity War; make sure you watch the end credits.

15. Spider-Man: Far From Home

"Everywhere I go, I see his face. And the whole world is asking who's gonna be the next Iron Man. I don't know if that's me, Happy. I'm not Iron Man.

baby groot dancing in front of the guardians of the galaxy 2 logo

Proving that once again the sequels have a tough time outrank the firsts, Far From Home rests in the bottom half of our rankings.

MJ was fun to explore, and the neighborhood changing kept the franchise fresh...but Jake Gyllenhaal just didn't do it for us on the villain front. 

Mix in the uncertainty of the rights with that cliffhanger ending and you've got a cocktail that kept Far From Home out of the top 10. I mean seriously, we don't know Spider-Man's future and drop that post-credit bomb on us???

14. Captain America: The First Avenger

“Nothing. Im just a kid from Brooklyn.”

captain america entering a building with his shield in front him and soldiers behind him

The film that started it all...kinda. While 2008’s Iron Man was the first movie in the MCU; Steve Rogers as Captain America was the first Avenger to exist.

This was the film that introduced everything of super importance; the first infinity stone, the establishment of HYDRA, the loss of Bucky.

Everything starts with this film. I am honestly surprised that it is not higher on the list; but coming in at fourteen, not a bad place.

13. Doctor Strange

“No, but I can lose again and again and again and again, forever. And that makes you my prisoner.”

dr strange staring at something in his sanctum

You want to talk about weird movies? This one takes the title.

Hailed as the MCU’s ‘Inception’; Doctor Strange takes us on the origin story of perhaps one of if not the most powerful hero in the Marvel Universe. When it was announced that Sherlock, and Smaug were going to be playing a hero in the MCU; I wasn’t sold. Until I watched Benedict Cumberbatch bring Stephen Strange to life.

You know how they say someone is born for a role? Like, Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark? That is how I feel about Benedict playing Strange. We also get a great lead in for something that happens later in the Thor series with Strange in the end credits.

12. Ant-Man

"No, I'm the Ant-Man! …. I know, it wasn't my idea.”

antman running among a colony of ants

This is by far the weirdest film that the MCU put out, aside from Doctor Strange. Ant-Man one is just a fun ride, and being in the top 15, that is a big accomplishment for it being so different.

Paul Rudd as Scott Lang, is perfect casting and Michael Pena recounting stories and the scenes playing out, have to be some of the best moments in the MCU. Ant-Man has a fantastic cast with Michael Douglas as the iconic Hank Pym and Evangeline Lily as Hope Van Dyne; Ant-Man in my opinion is must see.

11. Spider-Man: Homecoming

“She was really nice and bought me a churro.”

spider-man walking down a back alley

The guy we never thought that we would see in the MCU. In this adaptation, Peter Parker has been Spider-Man for a short time.

I am thankful this film didn’t have us have to cry over Uncle Ben for the third time; but that doesn’t take away from it at all. Tom Holland’s portrayal as the web slinger, is perhaps one of the best portrayals in the Spider-Man film history (Tobey McGuire was great, fight me).

When you have Michael Keaton as the legendary Vulture, the Shocker, a cameo of the Scorpion; you know you are going to have a great movie. Also; please give us more of Happy Hogan and Aunt May flirting, it really is the best, most light hearted thing in the MCU.

10. Iron Man

“My old man had a philosophy, “peace means having a bigger stick than the other guy.”

tony stark standing in front of mountains that are being blown up

The granddaddy of the MCU. The film that started it all. Iron Man in my opinion should be in the top five.

Without Iron Man, we might not have the MCU. Attacked, and thought dead; Tony Stark builds the mini reactor that helps power the original, silver, bulky, Iron Man suit to help him escape captivity. He has to fight for control of his company, before it falls into the hands of possible the best villain the MCU has created, Obediah Stane, played by the iconic Jeff Bridges.

This is the film where we are introduced to Phil Coulson and S.H.I.E.L.D, and of course Nick Fury in the post-credits who mentions something about an Avengers Initiative. If you haven’t started the MCU yet; and if you don’t want to watch in chronological order; Iron Man is the perfect place to start.

9. Black Panther

“You are a good man, with a good heart. And it’s hard for a good man to be a king.”

T'Challa staring at his black panther suit

Introduced in Captain America: Civil War, Black Panther gives us a different kind of character. A young man who is thrust into the kingship of his country after his father is killed, who has to not only find his own ability to lead, but to protect his home from a man who believes it is his own birthright to hold the throne.

Black Panther hits on all levels, it is funny, it makes us feel things, and it gives us a ton of action. This film rests in the average ranking of top ten, but in our hearts, you know it's top five.


….Wakanda Forever.

8. Guardians of the Galaxy 2

"Groot, put your seatbelt on!”

baby groot dancing in front of the guardians of the galaxy 2 logo

Let's face it, Drax is the best single character that the MCU has produced. To be honest; I didn’t hate this film

It just felt…different than the first one. Guardians Vol. 1 just had this aura about it, it was new, it was fresh, and it was introducing a group of characters that a lot of people, had never seen or heard about unless you followed Marvel Comics hardcore.

However; Michael Rooker (Yondu) completely stole the show with his “I'm Mary Poppins” line; and it will go down as one of the best moments in the MCU.

7. Thor: Ragnarok

By Odin’s beard, you shall not cut my hair, lest you feel the wrath of the mighty Thor.”

thor sitting next to the hulk on the planet Sakaar

Let’s just say this: Thor: Ragnarok is amazing. It revitalized the Thor films; and it made Thor the character that he should have been since the first Thor film.

This film feels like a buddy comedy, with Hulk and Thor running around the planet Sakaar trying to escape the Grandmaster (who is the amazing Jeff Goldblum) so that Thor can save his home from his half-sister who has a vendetta against Asgard.

This film is the perfect lead in to Avengers: Infinity War, and it is must see for any MCU fan.

6. Captain America: The Winter Soldier

“The price of freedom is high; it always has been. But it's a price I'm willing to pay.”

the winter soldier holding a rifle walking down a street

If you are looking for an MCU film that is honestly just non-stop action; look no further than The Winter Solider.

A sequel to Captain America: The First Avenger; TWS gives us a peek into how Steve is acclimating to life in the 21st century.

This film really kick starts the next ‘phase’ in the MCU with with fall of S.H.I.E.L.D and the rise of HYDRA, and it also introduces us to Anthony Mackie’s character Sam Fisher, aka The Falcon, who essentially becomes Cap’s new bff and sidekick.

It also brings back the character we all thought was gone forever; Bucky Barnes, The Winter Soldier.

5. Captain America: Civil War

“Congratulations Cap, you’re a criminal.”

captain america, hawkeye, antman, winter soldier, falcon, and scarlet witch ready to fight on an airport runway

Let’s be real and just say, this should have just been titled Avengers Civil War. It has everyone, and I mean everyone in it.

This is personally; my favorite movie out of the MCU; there is just something about it. It follows up with the disastrous conclusion of Age of Ultron; it deals with how no one really asked these super humans to fight for them, and so a registration was proposed. Tony Stark, supported the registration; where as Steve Rogers, did not.

Throughout the film, we see the bond between these two leaders separate and dissolve, until it doesn’t seem like it can be salvaged. It is a fantastic character building story, and it actually gives us two of the MCU’s most popular characters now; Black Panther, and a young Spider-Man.

4. Guardians of the Galaxy

“Star Lord, man”

gamora, peter quil, racoon, drax, and groot in a police line up

Insert a group of random malcontents, and the most notorious outlaw that no one has ever heard of, and you get the Guardians of the Galaxy. This film is just so special; the jokes, the music, the characters, everything about this film is just the perfect combination of IT.

Chris Pratt stars as the lovable Peter Quill (Star Lord, man), and with his ensemble cast, he goes on a quest to keep one of the Infinity Stones from the Kree, a race of aliens determined to conquer, well…everything. Plus, Howard the Duck makes his MCU appearance in the post credits.

3. The Avengers

“We have a Hulk.”

thor, iron man, and captain america facing off in a forest

The Avengers was the one that really set off this entire MCU experiment. The ‘solo’ films were a huge success, but this massive team up of our favorite heroes was the rocket that propelled it to new heights.

It also was the perfect lead in to what the MCU became; and brought in everyone's favorite bad guy; Thanos. Out of the all origin films, it doesn’t get any better than this.

2. Avengers: Infinity War

“I have ignored my destiny once, I won’t do it again.”

thanos using the infinity gauntlet to crush a moon

Infinity War is…man it's tough to watch. Not in a bad way, the film is fantastic, the visuals are stunning, the acting is top notch. It is tough because it is an emotional train wreck the entire time. We finally see how Stark and Rogers are dealing with the Avengers breaking up. Banner returns to Earth for the first time since Age of Ultron. Peter Parker is adorable being Peter Parker. This film just has it all.

Not to mention Thanos. There has never been a bad guy more relatable in a film in a long, long time. He honestly believes what his intentions are, is the right thing to do. He believes in over population; families starving because there are too many people and not enough food. He even goes as far as to sacrifice the one thing he loves the most, and his actions has perfectly led us into the Endgame.

1. Avengers: Endgame

"Avengers... Assemble!"

thanos using the infinity gauntlet to crush a moon

It's all come to this...10 years of disassembling, letting go of resentment... all coming to the most satisfying conclusion a movie could possibly have (and that's not editorial, that's a fact). 

A film like this was a dream of a dream. Endgame has everything: Resolving a decade of character development, time travel, family, sacrifice, and love. There's not much more we can than what hasn't already been said. 

The only thing we can say is, we love it 3000.


So, what do you think of our list? Is there anything that you disagree with, or would you rank these films in another way? I personally want to thank everyone who participated in our ranking polls to make this possible. 

If you like this article, please be sure to check out the other content we have here and always remember: Jesus loves you, Nerds!

by Foster Sherman
Student Worship Pastor, First Baptist East Bernstadt

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